Saturday, January 15, 2011


My Favorite Group!

Super Junior Will Always Be My Favorite Band! I started to listen to SJ during my 8th grade year. At first, I didn't listen to k-pop or knew what was kpop, but after watching their video on myx. I became interested in them. So, I did my research and started to watch their video. And I couldn't get enough of them. They were the first KPOP group to get me into kpop. So whatever you guys think of them. I don't care because in my mind and opinion their the BEST!

Arashi. What can I say about this group. First of all, I love how close they are with each other compare to the other johnny's group. I think their the best Jpop Boy Band in Japan. I like all of their songs. I think their really fun. And they seem hard workers. I'm happy where they are now. They deserved all of the attention. Arashi will always be my favorite Jpop Band!

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